Tiny. Tiny is a limitless creative fully immersed in her art which touches my sensitivity with softness and elegance.
The materials she uses to combine her visual stories are recycled so her passion for colours and shapes is in complete harmony with the environment ; taking care of our beautiful world through ecology and creativity make me fall in love with the Tiny's work. She offers either abstracts or representational pieces, for us to observe reality through a sparkling point of view : i can feel a lot of joy and pleasure in Tiny's artworks. Telling stories is like a second nature for this surprising and innovative artist who brings us into her colorful and gentle visions. Through her paintings and collages, she calms our entire being to restore and dream in light and positive landscapes.
Adding paper on a canva with thoughtfulness and coherence inspire me deeply to re-create our own colour scheme with emotions and intentions. Tiny is able to align core values and originality with a refreshing bliss ॐ
You can find more about this gorgeous woman on her website :
(English and french below)
1. Through your art, is there a particular value or idea that you want to transmit ?
I love to re use materials, i try to take care of our planet, and i love the imperfections.
I recently found a box of old paper on the side of the road in Paris. There was some beautiful paper amongst it. I particularly love to work with sun-faded paper or paper with handwritten letters.

J'aime réutiliser des matériaux ; j'essaie de prendre soin de notre planète et j'aime leurs imperfections.
J'ai récemment trouvé une boîte pleine de vieux papiers sur le bas-côté d'une route parisienne. Certains étaient très beaux.
J'aime particulièrement travailler avec des papiers altérés par le soleil ou des lettres manuscrites.
2. Which element do you feel the most connected to ?
I love the sky, my atelier on the 4 th floor, high in the skies, it feels like a remote location, it is light & silence, i hear the wind blowing, the white thin curtains blowing in the wind, the bamboo is whispering, birds are singing on the chimney... a calm surrounding,

J'aime le ciel, mon atelier est au quatrième étage, haut dans les air. J'a l'impression d'être dans un lieu reculé, c'est lumineux et silencieux, j'entends le vent souffler dans les légers rideaux blancs, les murmures des bambous, les oiseaux chantant… Un environnement calme.
3. What inspires your creativity daily ?
I am always observing. I love the "little nothings", and try to soak in a moment. I am always having lots of ideas in my head. Traveling, walking in my hometown, meeting people, making photos, and nature are a big inspiration for my paintings and artworks.
Je passe mon temps à observer. J'aime les ''petits riens'' et j'essaie de m'imprégner de l'instant présent. J'ai toujours beaucoup d'idées en tête. Voyager, me balader dans ma ville natale, rencontrer des gens, prendre des photos, ainsi que la nature sont de grandes sources d'inspiration pour mes peintures et mes œuvres d'art.

4. How do social medias help you on your growth ?
Social media is for me the contact with the world, from my own bubble, my studio.
Instagram is to me a very friendly way to have contact with other artists, makers and buyers.
Les réseaux sociaux font lien entre ma bulle, mon studio, et le monde extérieur. Instagram est un outil très agréable pour prendre contact avec des artistes, des fabricant.e.s et des acheteures.ses.
Tiny express

6. A colour ?
I love natural colours and pastels.
J'aime les couleurs naturelles et pastèles.
7. A texture ?
I love fade out & used paper, handwritten letters, the holes and the wrinkles, so mysterious & poetic.
J'aime les papiers fânés et usés, les lettres manuscrites, les trous et les rides, si mystérieux.ses et poétiques.
8. A book ?
I love to read travel stories.
J'aime lire des récits de voyages.
9. A memory ?
I have something with dancing in gardens and fields, with flowers and orangetrees.
Danser dans les jardins et les champs, des fleurs ou des orangers.
10. A dream ?
I am creating my own poetic positive dreamworld, through my paintings and collages. I like my works to be quiet places, a space for the mind to be still, and calm for the eyes to rest from the busy outside world.
Je créer mo n propre univers poétique et positive à travers mes peintures et collages. J'aime que mes œuvres soient paisibles, un espace pour que le mental s'apaise et calme pour que les yeux se reposent du monde extérieur surchargé.

It was an honour to interview the inspired and inspiring Tiny ! Creating her artworks around sustainability for the soul and the planet, she invites you to explore silence and shapes through peacefulness ! ૐ
Love and tenderness
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