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Elisa Jouannet

Photo du rédacteurElisa Jouannet

Self embodiement

It is funny how some experiences happen in life without our full awareness, our full presence and then make sense a couple of months or years later. Think about the books you bought when traveling or at a new library, you felt so drawn to them while knowing you already had on the waitlist to be read... Remember how it made sense, when the moment and timing was right, to pick that exact one book and dive into its teachings ?

This is what happened to me in this adventure with Lora, the founder of RNR Creative when she asked me, in 2019, to be part of her Artist series journal in which she offered a safe and expansive space for us to express and create. I dove into it without being fully aware and present, without being fully embodied. Irony of the story, the title I gave to the episod : Self embodiement. Obviously, this is what I needed to learn for myself.

This morning, i took the time to read again the words that went through me that day without completely embodying them yet...

And here they are, for you, with you, to be re-discovered.

You can find more about this precious collaboration on Lora's beautiful website here : VOL. VI — RNR Creative

May these words resonate with the parts of you who are ready to receive them

With love and respect



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